779 more results for "scaling agile"
qTest - Planview
Anslut Tricentis qTest till VersionOne, ServiceNow® och andra utvecklingsverktyg för att synkronisera artefakter och förbättra teamets effektivitet. Få insyn i aktivitetsdata för livscykeln genom att integrera qTest med olika verktyg, vilket möjliggör strömlinjeformad programvaruleverans.
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Xray for Jira - Planview
Connect your product QA team to development and testing with Xray – a fully-integrated Jira-native solution that speeds up your testing process.
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Virtual PI Planning: Learnings and Best Practices from the Team [Videos] - Planview Blog
Video series of people sharing learning and best practices for virtual PI planning pre, during, and post event. Get access to videos and white papers.
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Innovation Is Compounding Interest: How Legacy Companies Can Compete and Deliver Innovation Like the Cloud-Native Giants | Tasktop Blog
The tech giants know that continuous improvement and digital innovation is like interest; it compounds over time.
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Springing into the Virtual DevOps Enterprise Summit, Europe 2021 | Tasktop Blog
Tasktop at DevOps Enterprise Summit Europe, 2021. Illuminating speaker sessions, VSM product tours, happy hours and prizes to be won.
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“47% of software is not measured against business impact” - The Inaugural State of Value Stream Management Report is Out! | Tasktop Blog
The first ever State of Value Stream Management Report marks a significant moment for popular practice for enterprise software delivery.
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Software-Defined Technologies: Transforming the Value Stream | Tasktop Blog
Software-defined is a concept that refers to the ability to control some or all of the functions of a system using software. The concept is sometimes incorrectly characterized as a buzzword or marketing jargon, when in fact it has a clear meaning that needs to be understood by organizations looking to keep pace with change....
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3 Ways to Engage and Accelerate IT with OKRs and Value Stream Management | Tasktop Blog
Well-designed OKRs will engage employees and accelerate flow. Value stream management helps businesses effectively design and achieve OKRs.
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Enhancing ITIL Incident Management and the Customer Experience: Integrating ServiceNow with Atlassian Jira and Microsoft Azure DevOps | Tasktop Blog
Integrate your ITSM tool with your development tools to accelerate your mean time to repair (MTTR) and optimize the customer experience.
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Bli ett anpassningsbart PMO: Förbättra smidigheten i planering och leverans - Blog | Planview
Vad är den viktigaste faktorn för framtida framgång enligt nästan 4,000 projektledare, PMO:er och chefer? Svaret kanske inte förvånar dig: "Organisatorisk smidighet".
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Se hur vår kraftfulla programvara för IT-projektportföljhantering fungerar
Watch Demo: You know what needs to happen for your enterprise to transform. Start the process.