2399 more results for "project portfolio management"
Decorating Agile... with Pride | Tasktop Blog
Back in 2002, I didn’t have a clue about how much Agile would change the world of software delivery. But Agile did feel right; so my small team at the New York Stock Exchange went for it. Why? Honestly, I’m not sure we totally knew why – as I said, it just felt right –...
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5S Your WIP to Accelerate your Value Stream Management (VSM) Journey | Tasktop Blog
Data-driven value stream management can help you practice the Lean practice of 5S to declutter your product value streams to improve flow.
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Leading with Connection: Reflections on Modern Leadership - Planview Blog
The Planview Leadership team reflects on the importance of staying connected and the new kind of leadership required moving forward.
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The Employee Suggestion System Turns 135 - Spigit
Systemet för arbetstagarförslag och hur det ser ut i dag.
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Build Quality In: The Key to Continuous Delivery in Kanban - Blog | Planview
Keep reading to learn how my development team changed our infrastructure, development practices, and culture to enable continuous delivery.
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Aligning Strategy with Execution - Q&A with Changepoint's Paul Cramer
Paul Cramer från Changepoint är med i podcasten Modern CTO och diskuterar portföljhantering, företagsarkitektur, PPM, SA och mycket mer.
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Story Points and Flow Metrics: What's the Difference? | Tasktop Blog
Story points may be helpful for their original purpose, but they're often used incorrectly. To measure results and drive predictability, use Flow Metrics.
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Välkommen till den nya Lean - Blog | Planview
So, what is the underlying truth of Lean? Isn’t it about cutting? Doing more with less? Those are the stereotypes. And they are based on a grain of truth.
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Lärdomar från ett nybildat agilt team - Blog | Planview
När vi nu går igenom det fjärde programinkrementet (PI) bad jag medlemmarna i vårt team att reflektera och fundera över hur långt vi har kommit i vår Agile-omvandlingsresa.
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Se hur vår kraftfulla programvara för IT-projektportföljhantering fungerar
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